Fortran is one of the premier languages for numerical analysis and high performance computing. For this reason, Fortran compilers are typically available on all large-scale computing platforms, including Stampede2 and Frontera at TACC. Today, Fortran continues to evolve steadily to fit the needs of the (super)computing community. This introductory roadmap focuses mainly on its elementary features.


After you complete this workshop, you should be able to:

  • Write a program in Fortran
  • Declare variables and arrays of a simple type or derived datatype
  • Use I/O routines
  • Create branch and loop structures
  • Work with strings, arrays, and other types of variables
  • Allocate memory to dynamic arrays
  • Write and call subroutines and functions
  • Describe how to use modules
  • Familiarity with an editor
  • Knowledge of how to execute simple commands on the command line
  • Some basic understanding of what a computer language is

System requirements include:

  • A computer with an Intel Core i5 or i7 processor
  • At least one monitor with full HD resolution, ideally 1920×1080
  • At least 16 GB of RAM
  • Access to a compiler
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