Collective communication involves all the processes in a communicator. The purpose of collective communication is to manipulate a shared piece or set of information. The collective communication routines were built upon point-to-point communication routines. You could build your own collective communication routines in this way, but it might involve a lot of tedious work and might not be as efficient.

Although other message-passing libraries provide some collective communication calls, none of them provides a set that is as complete and robust as the one provided by MPI. In this roadmap, we introduce these routines in three categories: synchronization, data movement, and global computation. This roadmap includes one topic about the nonblocking variants collective communication calls introduced in MPI-3. All exercises and examples are verified to work on Stampede2 and Frontera.

This is the third of five related roadmaps in the Cornell Virtual Workshop that cover MPI. To see the other roadmaps available, please visit the complete roadmaps list.


After you complete this roadmap, you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate using collective communications
  • Distinguish between MPI Point-to-Point and Collective communications
  • List the three subsets of collective communication
  • Define barrier synchronization
  • List and describe the three data movement routines
  • List and describe the two global computation routines
  • Distinguish between blocking and nonblocking collective communications
  • Identify ideal conditions for collective communication
  • Distinguish between scatter and scatterv

System requirements include:

  • A TACC account to login to Stampede2 or Frontera
  • A computation allocation for Stampede2 or Frontera
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