#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J pnetcdf # job name #SBATCH -o pnetcdf.o%j # output/error file (%j = jobID) #SBATCH -n 16 # number of MPI tasks requested #SBATCH -N 1 # number of nodes requested #SBATCH -p development # queue (partition) - edit as necessary #SBATCH -t 00:05:00 # run time (hh:mm:ss) ##SBATCH -A # account number - edit if this is needed # Assumption: all the example files are in the same directory as job.sh # On TACC systems, $SCRATCH is predefined in the environment # Uncomment the following line to run on SDSC Comet #SCRATCH=/oasis/scratch/comet/$USER/temp_project/ # Uncomment the following line to run on SDSC Expanse #SCRATCH=/scratch/$USER/${SLURM_JOB_ID} WORKDIR=$SCRATCH/pnetcdf echo WORKDIR = $WORKDIR if test -d $WORKDIR ; then rm -rf $WORKDIR; fi mkdir -p $WORKDIR for file in single-write coll-write do cp $file $WORKDIR done pushd $WORKDIR > /dev/null mpirun -n 16 ./single-write output.single 3200 10000 mpirun -n 16 ./coll-write output.collective 3200 10000 mpirun -n 16 ncmpidiff output.single output.collective popd > /dev/null rm -rf $WORKDIR