Examples of MPI predefined operations that can be used in calls to MPI_Reduce (or a variant) and MPI_Scan are summarized below.

MPI Predefined Reduce Operations
Name Meaning C type Fortran type
MPI_MAX maximum integer, float integer, real, complex
MPI_MIN minimum integer, float integer, real, complex
MPI_SUM sum integer, float integer, real, complex
MPI_PROD product integer, float integer, real, complex
MPI_LAND logical and integer logical
MPI_BAND bit-wise and integer, MPI_BYTE integer, MPI_BYTE
MPI_LOR logical or integer logical
MPI_BOR bit-wise or integer, MPI_BYTE integer, MPI_BYTE
MPI_LXOR logical xor integer logical
MPI_BXOR bit-wise xor integer, MPI_BYTE integer, MPI_BYTE
MPI_MAXLOC max value and location combination of int, float, double, and long double combination of integer, real, complex, double precision
MPI_MINLOC min value and location combination of int, float, double, and long double combination of integer, real, complex, double precision
Example: MPI_MAX

Each process in a forest dynamics simulation calculates the maximum tree height for its region. Process 0, which is writing output, wants to know the maximum tree height across all the regions.

/* Sketch of using MPI_Reduce */
  int maxht, globmx;
      .  (calculations that determine maximum height)
  MPI_Reduce(maxht, globmx, 1, MPI_INTEGER,
       MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr);
      .  (write output)
! Sketch of using MPI_REDUCE 
  INTEGER maxht, globmx
      .  (calculations that determine maximum height)
  call MPI_REDUCE (maxht, globmx, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
        MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
  IF (taskid.eq.0) then
      .  (Write output)
User-defined Operations

You can define your own reduce operation by making use of the MPI_Op_create function. This operation must be associative, but it does not need to be commutative. This is in contrast to all the MPI predefined functions, which are commutative as well as associative. MPI implementations may be able to take advantage of the commutativity in order to make the reduction more efficient. For this reason, one parameter of MPI_Op_create specifies whether or not the operation is commutative.

int MPI_Op_create(MPI_User_function *function, int commute, MPI_Op *op) 

MPI_OP_CREATE(function, commute, op, ierror) 
MPI_Op_create parameters:
the name of the function that defines the operation
true/false depending on whether the operation is commutative
is the handle to the user-defined operation that generates the output

Of course, there is the question of the form of the function being used, and you may have noticed that C requires a function of type MPI_User_function:

typedef void MPI_User_function(void* invec, void* inoutvec, 
                                int *len, MPI_Datatype *datatype);

The Fortran declaration for the user function is similarly defined:

Tip: Clean up with MPI_Op_free

After all calls to the user-defined operation have completed, the operation handle can be released by a call to MPI_Op_free.

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