ParaView is a highly capable visualization application for computational fluid dynamics and other subjects. It is open source and can run in parallel on resources at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). This topic provides high level introductions to several of ParaView's more advanced features.


After you complete this workshop, you should be able to:

  • Explore source data and describe its contents
  • Generate animated visualizations with moving cameras and changing parameter values
  • Create new, derived data values using Calculator filters
  • Use Python to script the steps of your ParaView session for easy repetition
  • Use Python to create pipeline sources and filters to process data in new ways
  • Use Python to create new "views" that display your data in new ways
  • Demonstrate writing and using C++ plugins that contain sharable extensions to ParaView's functionality
  • Connect ParaView to a running simulation using Catalyst to provide in situ visualizations
  • Explain how to improve visualizations using OSPRay's rendering features

System requirements include:

  • Download the lastest version of ParaView and install it.
  • Download a zip file containing the RectGrid2.vtk and headsq.vtk data sets
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