Peter Vaillancourt, Rich Knepper, and Adam Brazier
Cornell Center for Advanced Computing

Revisions: 1/2023, 11/2019, 10/2017, 9/2014 (original)

This topic covers connecting to and using remote Linux machines (such as TACC systems). It includes typical usage scenarios like setting file permissions and copying files between systems. It also includes pertinent background information such as typical Linux filesystem organization, the role of the root user, how software is installed, and how to use storage volumes.


After you complete this segment, you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate using ssh and scp to connect to a remote system
  • Explain how Linux users and groups relate to system access and file permission
  • Demonstrate displaying and changing file permissions
  • Explore optional topics as needed, including file compression, software package installation, mounting file systems, and system administration.

There are no prerequisites for this course.

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