MPI_Accumulate allows the caller to combine the data moved to the target process with data already present, such as the accumulation of a sum at a target process. The same functionality could be achieved by using MPI_Get to retrieve data (followed by synchronization), performing the sum operation at the caller, then using MPI_Put to send the updated data back to the target process. The MPI_Accumulate function simplifies this messiness and also allows for more flexibility for allowing concurrent operations. Multiple target processes are allowed to perform MPI_Accumulate calls on the same target location, simplifying operations where the order of the operands (such as in a sum) does not matter.

int MPI_Accumulate(void *origin_addr,
                   int origin_count, MPI_Datatype origin_datatype,
			   	   int target_rank, MPI_Aint target_disp,
			 	   int target_count, MPI_Datatype target_datatype,
			 	   MPI_Op op, MPI_Win win)
address of the send buffer
the number of entries in the origin buffer
the datatype of each entry
the rank of the target
displacement from target window start to target buffer (target offset)
number of entries in the target buffer
datatype of each entry in the target buffer
predefined reduce operation
window object

The allowed operations are those provided by MPI_Reduce (max, min, sum, product, and the various and/or/xor operations). User-defined operations are not allowed. The target and origin datatypes can be a predefined datatype or a derived datatype, but all basic components must be of the same type. As with other communication calls, the target buffer must fit in the window. Lastly, a predefined operation MPI_REPLACE is defined, which allows MPI_Accumulate to behave as MPI_Put does (albeit with different concurrency restraints).

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