On Frontera, R is available via the Rstats module and R packages can be installed as described below. Stampede2 has two R modules — Rstats and RstatsPackages, which add a set of useful packages pre-built with the Intel compilers to your R library path. Though these two modules will accommodate the statistical needs of many users, you can also install additional packages, as discussed below. The two Stampede2 modules are and . On either Frontera or Stampede, you can locate available versions, and prerequisites, with:

For example, at time of writing, you can use Stampede2's' RstatsPackages module with R by loading:

As mentioned in the page on additional packages, you can see which packages you have available by starting R, then issuing the command to see the packages available.

Installing additional packages

If you want to install packages not on the basic list or made available by loading , use R from the login node, not the compute nodes. R will offer to create a personal library directory in your home directory under for your own installed packages.

Use a login node to install packages.

Using a login node, rather than a compute node, will ensure your packages are available in later sessions and saves your allocation time for computation.

Your personal R library will be available on compute nodes and will be the first item in your :

On the login node, just start an R console session and use as described on the Additional Packages page and the packages will be downloaded and installed (being compiled with the Intel compilers if necessary). If you have problems installing any of the contributed packages, you can reach out to TACC consulting for help.

Use compute nodes for running computations.

While you must install packages using a login node, do not use them to run analyses.

RStudio on Stampede2 and Frontera

As a special feature of several of the machines at TACC, including Stampede2 and Frontera, RStudio can be launched in your web browser from the TACC Visualization Portal, where you will be given the resources of one Stampede2 node and the ability to run console requests or else edit and run files of R code, from the relevant RStudio panes; you will need a TACC login for this. This is an excellent environment for data exploration and visualization. Simply request an RStudio session under the Stampede2 tab, select an allocation against which it should be billed, and when the request is processed, select to open R in your browser (this will require an additional login with your TACC credentials). Note that any workspace information saved during your last session, even if it was a console session on a login node or an interactive session, will be available to you; likewise, workspace changes saved here will be accessible on the login nodes or during subsequent interactive sessions.

image of RStudio running in a browser on Stampede2 via the TACC Visualization Portal, showing the standard RStudio panes for files, console, etc
RStudio running on Stampede2 via the TACC Visualization Portal

You can also install packages from the console here, which will result in them being installed into your local library under in your home directory.

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