It turns out that almost any application that relies on huge amounts of floating-point operations and simple data access patterns can gain a significant speedup using GPUs. This is sometimes referred to as GPGPU, or General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units.

Historically, NVIDIA CUDA is one of the key enabling technologies for GPGPU. CUDA was among the first APIs to simplify the task of programming numerically intensive routines such as matrix manipulation, Fast Fourier Transforms, and decryption algorithms so they could be accelerated on GPUs. In the time since CUDA was introduced, a number of techniques have arisen to make GPGPU even easier for application programmers, including directive-based methods such as OpenACC and OpenMP offloading.

The following are some of the scientific and engineering fields that have successfully used CUDA and NVIDIA GPUs to accelerate the performance of important applications:

  • Deep Learning
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Computational Structural Mechanics
  • Seismic Processing
  • Bioinformatics
  • Materials Science
  • Molecular Dynamics
  • Quantum Chemistry
  • Computational Physics

Numerous examples of applications in the above areas can be found in the NVIDIA document GPU-Accelerated Applications.

Of course, GPUs are hosted on CPU-based systems. Given a heterogeneous computer containing both CPUs and GPUs, it may be a good strategy to offload the massively parallel and numerically intensive tasks to one or more GPUs. Since most HPC applications contain both highly parallel and less-parallel parts, adopting a heterogeneous programming model is frequently the best way to utilize the strengths of both GPUs and CPUs. It allows the application to take advantage of the highly parallel GPU hardware to produce higher overall computational throughput.

In heterogeneous systems, the GPUs can be supplied through standard graphics cards, such as the NVIDIA Quadro, or through high-end accelerator cards, such as the NVIDIA Tesla. The Tesla comes with extra processing power, double-precision capability, special memory, and other features to make it even more favorable for HPC. But NVIDIA devices of both kinds are capable of accelerating a variety of computational tasks, e.g., half-precision arithmetic for machine learning.

Either way, GPUs may outperform CPU-based processors by quite a lot, assuming the application is able to make full use of the hardware's inherent parallelism. As we will see, in TACC's Frontera system, the raw speed of single-precision computations in one of its CPU-based Intel "Cascade Lake" processors—specifically, an Intel Xeon Platinum 8280—is 4.3 Tflop/s; whereas just one of its GPUs, a Quadro RTX 5000, can potentially reach 11.2 Tflop/s, and a single one of the Tesla V100s in the companion Longhorn system (now decommissioned) might go as high as 15.7 Tflop/s.

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