Ben Trumbore
Cornell Center for Advanced Computing

Revisions: 3/2024, 9/2021 (original)

This topic walks you through an incremental construction of a complete Terraform configuration for use with Jetstream2. Most pages contain a mixture of content describing aspects of Terraform, the HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), Terraform's OpenStack provider, and deployment to Jetstream2. The result is a configuration that deploys a cluster of instances on Jetstream2.

It is strongly recommended that you visit the pages of this topic in order.


After you complete this topic, you should be able to:

  • Explain what the Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL) is.
  • Name several types of Terraform resource blocks.
  • Understand the difference between the Terraform plan and apply commands.
  • Use the provided Terraform scripts to deploy a single Ubuntu instance to Jetstream2.
To perform the steps in this topic you must have completed the Preparing to Use Terraform on Jetstream2 topic.
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