One of the most useful collective operations is a global reduction, which is a combined-result type of operation. The outcome from applying some desired function across all processes in the group is collected in one specified process or in all the processes. If there are n processes in the process group, and d(i,j) is the j-th data item in process i, then the D(j) item of data in the root process that will be returned from a reduce routine is given by:

D(j)=d(0,j)d(1,j)d(n1,j) ,

where is the reduction function, which is always assumed associative. All MPI predefined functions are also assumed to be commutative. Each process can provide either one element or a sequence of elements. In both cases the reduce operation is executed element-wise on each element of the sequence (index j above).

There are three versions of reduce: MPI_Reduce, MPI_Allreduce, and MPI_Reduce_scatter. The form of these reduction primitives is listed below:

Reduce-family Syntax
int MPI_Reduce(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, \
     MPI_Datatype stype, MPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm)

int MPI_Allreduce(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count \
     MPI_Datatype stype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)

int MPI_Reduce_scatter_block(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, \
     int rcount, MPI_Datatype stype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm)

int MPI_Reduce_scatter(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, \
     int *rcount, MPI_Datatype stype, MPI_Op op, \
     MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_REDUCE(sbuf, rbuf, count, stype, op, root, comm, ierr)

MPI_ALLREDUCE(sbuf, rbuf, count, stype, op, comm, ierr)

MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER(sbuf, rbuf, rcount, stype, op, comm, ierr)

The differences among these three reduces:

  • MPI_Reduce returns results to a single process;
  • MPI_Allreduce returns results to all processes in the group;
  • MPI_Reduce_scatter_block scatters a vector of results from a reduce operation across all processes in blocks of the same size.
  • MPI_Reduce_scatter scatters a vector of results from a reduce operation across all processes in blocks of variable size.
Reduce-family parameters:
is the starting address of the send buffer
is the address of the receive buffer
is the number of elements in the send buffer
is the array of the numbers of elements to be scattered back
is the data type of send buffer elements
is the reduce operation (MPI predefined or your own)
is the rank of the receiving process
is the group communicator
  • rbuf is significant only at the root process for MPI_Reduce.
  • The rcount argument in MPI_Reduce_scatter is an array; even though count doesn't appear explicitly in this call, it is equal to the sum of the elements in rcount.
  • While an MPI_REDUCE followed by an MPI_SCATTER (or MPI_SCATTERV) is functionally similar to MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER_BLOCK (or MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER), the MPI implementations likely have optimized these combined functions to be more efficient, and so they should be used where possible. Also note the exception to the similarity: MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER can't have displacements in its send buffer, which is probably why these functions do not use the previous nomenclature where the pair of functions would be called MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER and MPI_REDUCE_SCATTERV.
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