The fourth communication mode, standard send, is actually the hardest to define. Its functionality is left open to the implementer in the MPI-1 and -2 specifications. The prior MPI communication modes are all defined explicitly, so the developer knows exactly what behavior to expect, regardless of the implementation or the computational platform being used. Standard send, however, is intended to take advantage of specific optimizations that may be available via system enhancements.

In practice, one finds that standard-mode communications follow a similar pattern in most MPI implementations, including those available on Stampede2. The strategy is to treat large and small messages differently. As we have seen, message buffering helps to reduce synchronization overhead, but it comes at a cost in memory. If messages are large, the penalty of putting extra copies in a buffer may be excessive and may even cause the program to crash. Still, buffering may turn out to be beneficial for small messages.

A typical standard send tries to strike a balance. For large messages (greater than some threshold), the standard send follows the rendezvous protocol, equivalent to synchronous mode. This protocol is safest and uses the least memory. For small messages, the standard send follows instead what is called the eager protocol. This protocol is like buffered mode, but the buffering is all done on the receiving side rather than the sending side, as shown below:

Diagram showing eager protocol for a blocking standard send
Diagram showing eager protocol for a blocking standard send.

The default MPI implementation on Stampede2 is Intel MPI, which is specially tailored for use with Intel's Omni-Path interconnects. In Intel MPI, the precise threshold at which the standard send switches over to the rendezvous protocol is set by an environment variable, I_MPI_EAGER_THRESHOLD. The default value is fine for most purposes. You will find that other implementations sometimes refer to this threshold as an "eager limit". The idea is the same either way.

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