Sometimes data need to be updated and this can be done with the UPDATE command. The syntax is fairly simple:

The UPDATEs will be applied in every row where the WHERE condition is met. Consider the Instruments table below

All of the data in the
        Instruments table
All of the data in the Instruments table, returned by the query

Let's say the Magnotron_2016 with instrument_id=8 finally gets a maintenance inspection date; this query will UPDATE it:

Without the WHERE condition, every single instrument would get that same last_maintenance_date of August 31st 2022. Because this is a risk, it is often a good idea to check first that the query will update the correct row, by constructing a SELECT query with the same WHERE clause. It is rarely correct to use UPDATE with no WHERE clause in a normalized relational database; note as well that if you UPDATE to a forbidden value (making a duplicate primary key, or breaking a foreign key relationship from either end, or a value with the wrong data type) the UPDATE will fail.


When rows must be removed from a table altogether, DELETE is the command to use. Its syntax is even simpler than UPDATE:

All rows matching the WHERE condition will be deleted, although DELETE will fail if, for example, it would leave a foreign key orphaned. As with UPDATE, it is a good idea to test the WHERE clause (a quick substitution of DELETE to "SELECT *" will be instructive). With no WHERE clause, the table will be emptied of all rows. For an example, perhaps the instrument with instrument_id=8 was never maintained because it never existed; in that case it should be DELETEd (if it had taken measurements, of course, the foreign key relationship with Measurements would cause the DELETE to fail):

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