The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) hosts several High Performance Computing (HPC) systems on which you can run MATLAB. These include Stampede2 and Frontera, which allow you to run MATLAB on many processors and with large amounts of memory. TACC's MATLAB page is a good resource for using MATLAB on TACC systems. This page will emphasize the things that you must do to get started.

The first requirement for you to use these systems is obtaining an allocation, which provides the computational credits that fund your use of the computers. You must also create a help ticket asking for access to TACC's MATLAB licenses. You will be notified by email when access has been granted for your account.

When you are ready to proceed, follow these steps to use MATLAB from the command line:

  • Log in to the desired system. See the system's user guide for more information.
  • From the login node, issue the command idev to access a compute node. Never run MATLAB directly on the login nodes, which are not meant for computation.
  • Once on a compute node, issue the command module load matlab to prepare the node for running MATLAB.
  • Run the command matlab -nodesktop to start MATLAB in the shell. You cannot display MATLAB windows directly from a compute node, and the -nodesktop option will bring you to the MATLAB prompt much faster.

If you would like to use the GUI version of MATLAB, follow the instructions for creating a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) session (for Stampede3 or for Frontera). In this case, omit the -nodesktop option when running MATLAB. Alternatively, you can visit the TACC Visualization Portal on the web and initiate a GUI computing session from there.

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