Collective reads and writes are type-specific. Substitute the correct type name for in the calls below.

The parameters id and vid correspond to netCDF ID and variable ID. The start parameter is a vector of values of type MPI_Offset. The size of the vector is the same as the number of dimensions of the variable represented by vid. The start vector specifies where the first data element will be read from or written into. The count parameter is a vector of integers specifying the number of data values to be read/written along each dimension. Finally, var is the local buffer from/to which the data values are read/written.

Independent reads and writes are also type-specific. Substitute the correct type name for in the calls below.

These calls are very similar in syntax to the corresponding collectives, except that they do not have the _all suffix, and they have to be called within the independent mode, i.e., they should be wrapped within ncmpid_begin_indep_data() and ncmpid_end_indep_data() calls.

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