Ben Trumbore
Cornell Center for Advanced Computing

Revisions: 8/2022, 10/2019, 8/2018, 11/2016 (original)

When working with High Performance Computing (HPC) resources, users are often required to transfer data and/or code between their own computer and the compute resources. This may be necessary when setting up an experiment, when updating the experimental data and when collecting the experimental results.

A number of data transfer utilities are available. Due to its ease of use and speed, Globus is one of the best options for transfers. This topic describes best practices for its use when working with TACC resources. If ongoing file access is required, Globus also provides functionality for data sharing.


After you complete this segment, you should be able to:

  • List some Globus features
  • Describe two forms of advanced functionality in Globus
  • Distinguish between Globus transfers and cloud storage services
  • Define the terms "connection and "endpoint" as used in the Globus network
  • Describe the account privileges necessary to transfer data
  • There are no formal prerequisites for this section.
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