Ben Trumbore
Cornell Center for Advanced Computing

Revisions: 8/2022, 10/2019, 8/2018, 11/2016 (original)

When performing Globus transfers to TACC resources, users must be aware of the effects these transfers could have on the destination system and on other TACC users. While each user's access to a system's processing power is usually well protected, the system's communication bandwidth and parts of its storage space are commonly shared less formally by all users. It is imperative that users take precautions to avoid impacting their fellow users by overwhelming TACC resources. Users are encouraged to follow these "best practices".


After you complete this segment, you should be able to:

  • List two recommendations for transmitting data to/from TACC resources
  • Identify two considerations when facing storage limitations on TACC resources
  • There are no formal prerequisites for this section.
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