Ben Trumbore
Cornell Center for Advanced Computing

Revisions: 8/2022, 10/2019, 8/2018, 11/2016 (original)

Globus allows users to log in by two means: with a personal Globus ID, or with an existing organizational login. Each type of login offers advantages, and many researchers will want to use both. The pages of this section discuss these Globus account topics:

Globus ID
The Globus ID section describes how anyone can obtain a Globus login to access the transfer functionality. If you wish to use the Globus Command Line Interface (CLI) (described in Globus Data Transfer - Advanced) you must have a personal Globus ID.
Organizational Login
Numerous research organizations have purchased a Globus Provider Plan that allows their registered users to log in to Globus using their organization credentials. TACC is one such organization, so its users can log in to Globus with their TACC IDs. Doing so has the benefit of automatically authenticating those users for access to TACC endpoints. Note that users who log in using other accounts can still access the TACC endpoints, but will have to provide credentials separately to do so.
Linking Accounts
Globus allows users to link multiple accounts in order to simultaneously enjoy the benefits from all of their accounts, regardless of which credentials they used to log in.

After you complete this segment, you should be able to:

  • Describe the two means of logging in to Globus
  • Demonstrate creating a Globus ID
  • Demonstrate logging on to Globus via an organizational account, such as from TACC
  • Explain how to link Globus accounts
  • Explain the advantages of creating personal endpoints
  • There are no formal prerequisites for this section.
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