In applications like matrix transposes or Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), an MPI_Alltoall call is very helpful. This is an extension to MPI_Allgather where each process sends distinct data to each receiver. The j-th block from process i is received by process j and stored in the i-th block. A graphic representation of the MPI_Alltoall is shown below:

matrix illustration of Alltoall. In this representation, processes are the 5 rows and data are the 5 columns. The units of data are labeled A, B, C, D and E for the columns with a subscript (0 to 4) that represents the original process (row). For example, the first process contains A_0, B_0, C_0, D_0 and E_0. After the all-to-all operation, all the A-parts of the original data are on the first process, all the B-parts of the data are on the second process, and so on. In effect, the process-by-data matrix is transposed.
Matrix illustration of Alltoall.

Just as with Allgatherv, the MPI_Alltoallv extension allows these blocks of data to vary in size among different pairs of senders and receivers. The syntax of MPI_Alltoall and MPI_Alltoallv is as follows:

Alltoall and Alltoallv Syntax
int MPI_Alltoall(void *sbuf, int scount, \
     MPI_Datatype stype, void *rbuf, int rcount, \
     MPI_Datatype rtype, MPI_Comm comm)

int MPI_Alltoallv(void *sbuf, int *scounts, \
     int *sdispls, MPI_Datatype stype, void *rbuf, \
     int *rcounts, int *rdispls, MPI_Datatype rtype, \
     MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_ALLTOALL(sbuf, scount, stype, rbuf, rcount, rtype, comm, ierr)

MPI_ALLTOALLV(sbuf, scounts, sdispls, stype, rbuf, rcounts,
     rdispls, rtype, comm, ierr)
Alltoall[v] parameters:
is the starting address of the send buffer
is the [array of the] number of elements to send to each process
is an array specifying the displacements of data relative to sbuf
is the data type of send buffer elements
is the address of the receive buffer
is [an array containing] the number of elements to be received from each process
is an array specifying the displacements of data relative to rbuf
is the data type of the receive buffer elements
is the group communicator
Info: Alltoall vs. Allgather specifications

Alltoall has the same specification as Allgather, except sbuf must contain scount*NPROC elements.

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