In many instances, there is one process that needs to send (broadcast) some data (either a scalar or vector) to all the processes in a group. MPI provides the broadcast primitive MPI_Bcast to accomplish this task. The syntax of the MPI_Bcast call is:
Broadcast Syntax
int MPI_Bcast(void* buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
MPI_BCAST(buffer, count, datatype, root, comm, ierr)
Parameters for Broadcast routine:
- is the starting address of a buffer
- is an integer indicating the number of data elements in the buffer
- is an MPI-defined constant indicating the data type of the elements in the buffer
- is an integer indicating the rank of the broadcast root process
- is the communicator
The MPI_Bcast must be called by each process in the group, specifying the same comm and root. The message is sent from the root process to all processes in the group, including the root process. If we think in terms of a matrix whose rows and columns correspond to the data and processes, respectively, then the states of this matrix before and after the call can be illustrated as follows:
![A matrix with processes as rows and data as columns. Before the broadcast, only the rank 0 process has the data element named A. After the broadcast, all the processes have a copy of the data element named A.](/mpicc/data-movement/Broadcast.gif)
The "Hello, world" example used in an earlier roadmap could have used broadcast instead of multiple sends and receives:
! Program hello_mpi.f90
program hello
use MPI
integer rank, root
data root/0/
character(12) message
call MPI_INIT(ierr)
if(rank .eq. root) then
message = 'Hello, world'
call MPI_BCAST(message, 12, MPI_CHARACTER, &
root, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
print*, "node:", rank, ":", message
call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)