MPI_Allgather can be thought of as an MPI_Gather where all processes, not just the root, receive the result. The jth block of the receive buffer is reserved for data sent from the jth rank; all the blocks are the same size. MPI_Allgatherv works similarly, except the block size can depend on rank j, in direct analogy to MPI_Gatherv. It's not surprising, then, that the syntax of MPI_Allgather and MPI_Allgatherv turns out to be close to MPI_Gather and MPI_Gatherv, respectively. The main difference is that the argument root is dropped from the argument lists because there is no root process for the "all" type commands.

matrix illustration of MPI_Allgather. In the matrix representation the 4 rows are the 4 processes and columns are data. Initially, each of four processes contains a distict collection of data. The first process has data A, the second has data B, and so on. After the allgather operation, each process has all four data collections (A, B, C, and D)
Matrix illustration of MPI_Allgather.
Allgather[v] syntax
MPI_ALLGATHER(sbuf, scount, stype, rbuf, rcount, 
    rtype, comm, ierr)

MPI_ALLGATHERV(sbuf, scounts, stype, rbuf, rcounts, displs,
     rtype, comm, ierr)
Allgather[v] parameters:
is the starting address of the send buffer
is the [array of the] number of elements to send to each process
is the data type of send buffer elements
is the address of the receive buffer
is [an array containing] the number of elements to be received from each process
is an array specifying the displacement of data relative to rbuf
is the data type of the receive buffer elements
is the group communicator
Info: The arguments are the same as MPI_Gather or MPI_Gatherv, except there is no root argument.
Example: matrix-vector multiplication using MPI_Allgather
  • This example is similar to previous ones, but it uses 7 MPI processes.
  • The matrix is distributed by rows, so the output vector will be too.
  • The output vector is needed in its entirety by ALL processes.
matrix multiplication illustration. Here, matrix A is multiplied by a vector b to compute vector c. Matrix A is divided into seven parts along the rows.
Matrix multiplication illustration.
MPI_Allgather Example Code
/* This allgather example assumes 7 total ranks */
float apart[25,100], b[100], cpart[25], ctotal[175];
int i, k;
for(i=0; i<25; i++)
   for(k=0; k<100; k++)
MPI_Allgather(cpart, 25, MPI_FLOAT, ctotal, 25, MPI_FLOAT, 
! This allgather example assumes 7 total ranks 
REAL apart(25,100), b(100), cpart(25), ctotal(175)
! compiler will likely reorder these loops due to Fortran storage order
DO I=1,25
    cpart(I) = 0.
    DO K=1,100
        cpart(I) = cpart(I) + apart(I,K) * b(K)
    END DO
CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(cpart, 25, MPI_REAL, ctotal, 25, MPI_REAL, &
    MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
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