Gather/Scatter Effect
In order to illustrate the gather and scatter functions, we give a matrix-style depiction below:
Let's consider in detail how MPI_Gather might be used to facilitate a distributed matrix computation.
Example: matrix-vector multiplication
- Matrix is distributed by rows (i.e., row-major order)
- Product vector is needed in entirety by one process
- MPI_Gather will be used to collect the product from processes
Description of Sample Code
The problem associated with the following sample code is the multiplication of a matrix A, size 100x100, by a vector b of length 100. The example uses four MPI processes, so each process will work on its own chunk of 25 rows of A. Since b is the same for each process, it will simply be replicated across processes. The vector c will therefore have 25 elements calculated by each process; these are stored in cpart. Here is a picture of how the overall computation is distributed:
- A
- a matrix partitioned across rows and distributed to processes as Apart
- b
- a vector present on all processes
- c
- a partitioned vector updated by each process independently
The MPI_Gather routine will retrieve cpart from each process and store the result in ctotal, which is the complete vector c.
MPI_Gather Example
/* Compute a partition of matrix A multiplied by vector b */
float Apart[25,100], b[100], cpart[25], ctotal[100];
int root;
/* Code that initializes Apart and b */
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
for(k=0; k<100; k++)
cpart[i] = cpart[i] + Apart[i,k] * b[k];
MPI_Gather(cpart, 25, MPI_FLOAT, ctotal, 25, MPI_FLOAT,
! Compute a partition of matrix A multiplied by vector b
! Fortran, unlike C, stores matrices in column-major order,
! so for speed, each submatrix of A is stored as its transpose, ApartT
REAL ApartT(100,25), b(100), cpart(25), ctotal(100)
DATA root/0/
! Code that initializes ApartT and b
DO I=1,25
cpart(I) = 0.
DO K=1,100
cpart(I) = cpart(I) + ApartT(K,I) * b(K)
CALL MPI_GATHER(cpart, 25, MPI_REAL, ctotal, 25, MPI_REAL, &
root, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)