Instance States

Jetstream2 instances can be in one of three states: Ready, Shelved or Suspended. They are always in one of these states except for short periods of time when they are transitioning between these states. The states are:

The instance is running and you can log in to it. You are charged service units (SUs) whenever your instance is running. A newly created instance will be in the Ready state.
The instance has been shut down and offloaded from Jetstream2. You are not charged service units whenever your instance is shelved. To log into the instance you must first Unshelve it to return it to the Ready state.
The instance is like a computer that is sleeping or hibernating, and you cannot log in to it. However, it has not been unloaded from Jetstream2 and therefore still results in service unit charges. In practice, this state does little for you and its use is not recommended.
Change an instance's state through its Actions menu

The Actions menu is found in the upper right of an instance's details page. The Shelve and Unshelve actions can take several minutes to complete. Monitor an instance state change in its details page, where it is continuously updated.

Instance Actions

In addition to changing state, there are several actions that can be performed on instances:

Prevents any other actions or state changes to be applied to an instance until it is Unlocked.
Changes the flavor of an instance to use a different number of CPUs and have a different amount of RAM. The instance's root volume size is not changed.
Lets you capture the current state of an instance as an image that can be used to create more instances or serve as a backup of the instance.
Restarts the instance. Jetstream2 first attempts a soft reboot, which would shut down programs gracefully. If that doesn't work it performs a hard Reboot. Allow several minutes for rebooting to be completed and monitor the progress in the instance details view.
Removes your instance from Jetstream2, destroying all of its data in the process. Be sure to detach all external volumes before deleting an instance.

These actions are available in the Actions menu in the details page of an instance. The availability of some actions depends on the instance state.

The Actions menu of an instance's details page
The Actions menu of an instance in the Ready state
The Actions menu of an instance's details page
The Actions menu of an instance in the Shelved state
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