Produce a Visualization

Ben Trumbore, Steve Lantz
Cornell Center for Advanced Computing

Revisions: 8/2022, 9/2017, 11/2008 (original)

The pages in this section walk you through the process of creating a visualization pipeline, starting with selecting and configuring a data source, and then adding operations that produce data suitable for viewing. Examples of surface-based and volumetric visualizations are presented. Two videos then show visualization pipelines being constructed in real time.


After you complete this segment, you should be able to:

  • List the steps needed to produce a visualization
  • Describe common ways to view data
  • Demonstrate applying a filter
  • Demonstrate combining filters
  • Explain how to use color maps in visualizations
  • Explain the purpose of creating isosurfaces
  • Demonstrate adding glyphs and streamlines

To follow along with the examples in this section, you must download the lastest version of ParaView and install it, and download a zip file containing the RectGrid2.vtk and headsq.vtk data sets.

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